This e-mail just in from one of my new Weighted Hands customers.
I am passing along this story because what he shares may be something you can relate to.
Hi Michael,
I have been in fitness for a long time holding positions over the years as Physical Education Director for the Royal Military College, and Chief Instructor for the Canadian Forces School of Physical Education and Recreation.
I have done coaching for many more sports and athletic qualifications including years of martial arts training, and power lifting.
So although I’m just an old guy, I was always keen at fitness and the evolution of training methodologies and equipment over the years.
In 2013 I got my 11th orthopedic operation and had both a titanium knee and shoulder replacement in an 8 month time frame resulting in a hard go of getting my old strength back.
In any case, I’ve rehabbed well and can do virtually all the things I did before with some common sense and a few caveats.
Certainly much more than any typical doctor recommendation.
The hard part at this stage of the game is modifying my workouts to avoid the loss of too much muscle mass while maintaining the tone of my musculature and avoiding the nuisance injuries while still working hard enough to overload my systems enough for a good workout day in and day out.
I’ve incorporated Heavyhands off and on for a few years occasionally rotating it into my training regimen and always having a good workout when I did.
This month, I went on my first long vacation (over two weeks) and only brought a few things to workout figuring I would intersperse the gym, swimming and power walking.
I left behind my kettle bells and power wheel and only brought small hand weights and a wall cable system.
On vacation I realized the gym was okay but problematic and time consuming.
While I am 66, I still workout aggressively and not as your typical 66 year old.
I have had a lifetime approach to staying in shape and serious training in most gyms is difficult as they are more of a social scene than real working out.
Also the limitations of machines and specificity training for overall functionality as you age and wish to retain speed and flexibility.
Power walking, a few body exercises and lap swimming were good but I missed a good workout while here so I restarted the heavy hands workouts every other day alternating my other workouts and noticed some good results as well as a good sweat.
I know the methodology is good and physiologically sound but this was the first time I had used it consistently as my core routine, instead of once in a while.
In summary Heavy Hands started out as just a filler exercise while on holidays, but is has given me some impressive workouts/results and I will continue to see where things go over the next few months.
P.S. I have ordered your Weighted Hands kit and add-on weights.
Victor Trnavskis
Lots of simple reasons why walking and training with Weighted Hands may be a good alternative to high impact exercise.
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