Research is coming in from Italy that’s showing one of the underlying causes of death due to the Coronavirus is high blood pressure.
There is much reason for this, and it’s certainly a risk factor for severe complications should you become infected and experience serious complications.
There is a simple way to get it down.
Diet and exercise.
If you are under quarantine and your gym is closed due to the Coronavirus, getting out and walking with HeavyHands can help.
There is no better time than now to get that extra flab off of your body and to strengthen your cardiovascular system.
You can ALL of this in minutes per day starting now.
Results . . .
As a long-time Heavy Hands user, I was skeptical.
After trying them, however, I like these updated grips even better than my old AMF originals.
That’s saying a lot.
I’ve stayed with the HeavyHands exercise program ever since Dr. Leonard Schwartz introduced it in 1982.
Within seven months, I’d lost 50 of my 230 pounds for good.
Today, at age 68, I weigh a stable 160; I’m trim, fit, and in perfect health.
My classic red handles, with the black screw-on weight-caps, are going strong after 35 years.
Why (I wondered) tweak a good thing?
Here’s why:
The new, ear-shaped palm rest works with the classic back-of-the-hand strap to make the new grip fit like a glove.
This gives us far better leverage than we had with just the strap.
This translates into longer, more comfortable workouts, pumping heavier weights through higher ranges of motion.
The problem with using hand-weights for full-body aerobics is this:
They generate workloads all out of proportion to their nominal weight.
Force equals mass times speed; thus, even relatively light weights (say three to five pounds) create enormous momentum and centrifugal forces when you move them rapidly through long arcs.
With ordinary dumbbells, your fingers take the brunt. Your hands tire before your body can work up much of a sweat.
With their glove-like design, HeavyHands grips solve this problem.
They redistribute the workload throughout your whole hand and forearm, sparing your fingers.
I routinely walk three miles through my neighborhood, pumping and punching seven-pound weights for 45 minutes to an hour.
(Sometimes I use just fives.) My advice: Start with considerably lighter weights and work up.
It’s way harder than it sounds. With plain dumbbells, I wouldn’t get much above the three-pound threshold.
* Superb ergonomic design. (Normally, I avoid the word “ergonomic.”
I think, what does that even mean? Here, I mean the grips fit like gloves.)
* Quality material and manufacturing.
* Interchangeable: You can use these new grips with the old AMF end-cap weights.
The latter is no longer made, but they’re still widely available on Amazon and eBay.
Of course, you also can buy new ones from the current manufacturer — three to twenty pounds.
* They just look super-cool. Anyone can see you’re using professional workout gear.
Petty as it may sound, I enjoy the admiring looks, comments, and questions I get around my neighborhood.
With the new high-tech design, I feel I’m being taken even more seriously than before.
* The grips are pricey (as are the end-caps). Well worth the price, in my view — but I understand why some prospects might be put off.
Heck, they put me off for quite a while.
Especially since I already owned the old-style grips I’ve used for decades.
Here’s my take on the price: Use HeavyHands correctly, and they’re all you’ll need.
You can forgo the treadmill, the rowing machine, the stair-stepper, and the gym membership.
For me, these grips and caps replace a whole roomful of high-end equipment.
I use them mostly outdoors (but indoors when necessary).
If they do for you one-tenth of what they’ve done for me, they’re worth many times their cost.
By “use them correctly,” I mean:
Don’t just carry them around (like I’ve seen some folks do).
If that’s all you’ll do, please don’t waste your money!
HeavyHands are designed to pump, punch, and press, synchronizing your arms with your stride.
The moves are simple, but it takes practice and perseverance.
The manufacturer’s documentation provides links to a great set of demo videos.
You can also find detailed guidance in Dr. Schwartz’s books (“Heavyhands” and “Heavyhands Walking”), available used on Amazon.
To Hear Gary’s full story, go to
Weighted Hands® is a tool.
It’s one you can use to get in the best shape of your life.
One, you can build your upper body and aerobic conditioning.
And one that is mostly a time multiplier for burning fat.
It’s up to you what you do with them.
Now get out and get ripped!
Today Only!
Order Heavy Hands grips today and get free shipping.
All you have to do is send me this email back before you place your order.
Michael Senoff
Makers of Weighted Hands® Weights, Grips & Gear
Heavy Hands® / Weighted Hands® and are the registered trademarks of Michael Senoff.
All rights reserved.
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